One of the most rewarding services we offer is our Exploratory Agreement. It’s a chance to do what we enjoy the most for our interior design clients, be a trusted advisor and consultant, helping them better understand exactly what their design wish list will cost in time, money and energy.
Wouldn’t it be nice to know, without commitment and before we break into floors and walls, exactly what your ideal renovation project might cost you? Wouldn't it be nice to know ahead of time if renovating that extra bedroom or replacing that carpeting is a possibility given everything else you'd like to do?
You can hire us to spend a few weeks on an Exploratory.
There's nothing worse for designers than getting called into a project after the contractor has already submitted his/her quote and having to break the news that it is not realistic at all for what the client has told us they really want.
We all know… even they know… that contractors’ quotes are infamously inaccurate. Not that they don’t know how to be, nor want to be accurate, they really do. They simply can’t dive in with you on the ultimate look and feel you specifically want as deeply as designers can… as designers have to... in order to do our portion of the project.
Let us do your due diligence with you and give the contractor and tradespeople their best chance at accuracy... as well as a very specific roadmap for the project, sketches of floorplans and elevations, detailed product lists down to the tiniest details that give you visibility into things that, in most construction jobs, are surprise costs. "If you do A, here's how that relates to B and C so let's see if we can make decisions now which allow us to earmark funds for those."
The Exploratory Agreement helps to eliminate feelings so many homeowners have when they do projects-- that they have no visibility into what is coming next and no control of the money that seems to endlessly head out the door.
We can't eliminate the inevitable surprises that will happen with construction projects: termites, mold, faulty wiring etc., things you can't see till you open up walls and floors, but we can much more adequately plan for those surprises and mitigate their impact on the overall project.
Home design is expensive. Often the Exploratory Meeting, where we sit down with you to walk through everything in detail, is a rude awakening for many clients. Knowledge is power, though, and the Exploratory gives you the power to pick and choose and/or phase the elements of the project that allow you to get the most bang for your buck. Ultimately, it saves you money.
We can do, and really enjoy doing, Exploratory Agreements as a one-off service for interested clients... some simply want the information to file away and know how much they need to save for the future. For those that start the work immediately and opt to hire us to run the job, the cost of the Exploratory is credited towards our design fee. It is work we would do anyway to deliver a beautiful, functional space. It's a true win/win.
Book a Discovery Call with us to talk more about the real deal of your home remodeling project!